Integrity Governance

A robust corporate governance framework encompasses a sound board of directors, stringent internal control  mechanisms, and stable financial oversight. Beyond mitigating risks, it bolsters competitiveness and fosters brand  value. Build a corporate culture based on integrity and responsibility, strictly adhere to all laws and regulations to implement integrity in business operations, draft the 'Code of Integrity in Business Operations,' and obtain approval from the board of directors. At the same time, maintain a well-functioning corporate governance structure to ensure sound operational development, safeguarding the rights and interests of investors and other stakeholders.In 2024, anti-corruption and anti-bribery education and training was conducted, with a total of 270 participants.

  • IBASE continues to strive for diversity among its board members. In 2023, a female  director with a background in accounting and finance was appointed, aligning with the company's commitment to  diversity. The board comprises 9 directors (including 4 independent directors) with a term of 3 years. According to  regulations, the board convenes at least once every quarter, with a total of 7 board meetings held in 2023.





    Current Position

    Chiu-Shi Lin
    Kaohsiung Technical College Electrical Engineering Department; 
    Taiwan Mycomp senior vice president

    Chairman & Chief Strategy Officer, IBASE
    Wu-Chun Hsu
    University of Phoenix, Department of Business Administration;
    Chairman & CEO, Technoland Co., Ltd.
    Senior Special Assistant, IBASE (Note 4)
    Yu-Nan Chen
    Electronics Division of Sihai Engineering College;
    Manager of R&D Department of Taiwan
    Senior Special Assistant, IBASE (Note 5)
    Yung-Shun Chuang
    Ph.D. (Honorary), National Taiwan University of Science  and Technology;
    Chairman, AAEON Technology Inc
    Chairman, AAEON Co., Ltd.
    Ying-Chen Li
    Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan  University; Chairman, Litemax Electronics Inc.;
    Chief Strategy Officer,  AAEON Technology Inc.
    Chairman, Litemax Electronics Inc.;
    Chief Strategy Officer, AAEON Co., Ltd.

    6Independent DirectorDing-Bing Lin
    Ph.D. in Electromechanical and Radio, National Taiwan  University;
    Professor, Department of Electronic  Engineering, National Taiwan University  of Science and Technology;
    Professor, Department of Electronic  Engineering, Taipei University  of Technology
    Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering,
    National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

    7Independent Director (Note 2)Wen-Te Huang
    Master's in Engineering from National Chiao Tung University;       
    CEO of UPGA Safety Inspection and Services Co., Ltd.

    Chief Executive Officer, UPGA Safety Inspection and Services Co., Ltd.
    8Independent Director (Note 3)
    Yu-Ling Lin
    Master's in Accounting, George Washington University;
    Senior VP of Finance and Group CFO at Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd.
    Senior Vice President of
    Finance and Group Chief Financial Officer, Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd.

    9Independent Director (Note 2)
    Ming-Chang HungNational Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Department of Electronic Engineering;
    Business Manager at Clientron Corp;
    Business Rep. at Nanshan Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
    Sales, Nan Shan Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
    1. Director Shih-Hsiung Chen and Independent Director Yao-Chang Shen were relieved of their duties on June 20, 2023.
    2. Independent Director Wen-Te Huang and Independent Director Ming-Chang Hung were elected as Independent Directors, members of the Audit Committee, and members of the Remuneration Committee on June 20, 2023.
    3. Independent Director Yu-Ling Lin, a female independent director, was elected as an Independent Director and a member of the Audit Committee on June 20, 2023.
    4. Director Wu-Chun Hsu was adjusted position to Senior Special Assistant on Apr. 01. 2024.
    5. Director Yu-Nan Chen was adjusted position to Senior Special Assistant on Mar. 01. 2024.


    Board Performance Evaluation

    Self-Assessment  (Questionnaire)




    Board of Directors




    Board Members




    Audit Committee




    Remuneration  Committee





    1. Self-assessment survey conducted annually.
    2. Maximum score is 5 points.

  • IBASE's board of directors has approved the establishment of a Sustainable Development Committee, with the chairman serving as the chairman of the committee and the president as the vice chairman. The Sustainable Development Committee is responsible for formulating sustainable development policies, implementing them within the company, and gradually integrating the principles of sustainable business into IBASE's corporate culture.

    Furthermore, IBASE plans to provide quarterly reports to the board of directors on the execution outcomes of ESG initiatives, aiming to enhance the board's engagement with the company's ESG efforts.

  • Risk Category


    Risk Management Strategy

    Sustainable Environment
    Continual increase in greenhouse gas emissions
    1. Introduce ISO 14064-1 greenhouse gas emission inventory management system in 2023 to conduct inventory and identify major emission sources.
    2. Set carbon reduction targets and develop plans to manage and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    Increase in waste disposal volume / Decrease in recycling rate
    1. Ensure raw materials comply with green regulations (RoHS, REACH, etc.) to increase material recycling rate.
    2. Simplify product packaging design (e.g., without fans or cables) to reduce waste generation.

    Ineffective Energy Conservation
    1. Implement energy-saving measures in offices.
    2. Improve relevant engineering by using variable frequency drives for air conditioning pumps to save energy.
    3. Implement Energy Management System (EMS) for control.

    Violation of Environmental Regulations
    1. Implement ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and obtain verification; conduct environmental regulation identification to ensure compliance.
    2. Regularly undergo third-party audits for review.

    Employee Care
    Occupational Accidents
    1. Establish relevant work guidelines based on the "Workplace Safety and Health Act", "Fire Management Regulations", "Chemical Hazardous Substances Management Regulations", etc., to prevent workplace accidents.
    2. In the future, we plan to implement ISO 45001 Workplace Health and Safety Management System in various factories to ensure the continuous effective operation of IBASE's management system.

    High Employee Turnover
    1. Establish personnel management regulations such as "Employee Promotion and Transfer Regulations", "Employee Evaluation Regulations", and "Employee Reward and Punishment Regulations" to reasonably formulate related salary and reward policies.
    2. Allocate 1% to 15% of profits annually as employee rewards if IBASE achieves its goals.

    On-Site Medical Care
    1. According to the regulations of the "Workplace Safety and Health Act", it is planned to introduce on-site medical personnel in 2024.
    Operation Performance
    Non-Compliance with Legal and Socioeconomic Standards
    1. By establishing governance structures and implementing internal control mechanisms, ensure that all personnel and operations of IBASE comply with relevant legal regulations.
    2. Implement ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and other management systems in IBASE to ensure effective identification and management of relevant legal regulations.

    Information Security Incidents
    1. IBASE has passed ISO 27001 certification and established information security operation procedures to regulate the management mechanism of computer information security within the company. This includes areas such as computer rooms, networks, email systems, information application management systems, network attack and response strategies, and management of hardware and software assets. Additionally, IBASE has implemented measures such as setting up firewalls, installing antivirus software, enabling automatic updates and virus code management, and enforcing policies against the installation of unauthorized or unknown software.
    2. IBASE conducts regular disaster recovery drills for its information application systems and social engineering exercises annually to train employees' awareness of information security measures. These drills aim to enhance the alertness of email users, thereby preventing users from inadvertently compromising network security or causing information leaks due to browsing spam or malicious emails.

  • Policy/ Commitment

    1. Optimize global deployment.
    2. Research and develop new products. 
    3. Integrate group resources to create maximum value.


    1. Strengthen product planning capabilities to fully grasp market dynamics and product trends.
    2. Focus on innovative, speedy, and technically perfect R&D to create market-oriented, forward- looking, and future-oriented new products.
    3. Implement a "comprehensive quality management system" to continuously improve product quality and enhance customer service.
    4. Expand production bases to enhance competitiveness in terms of capacity, delivery time, quality, and cost, and strengthen ODM/JDM order-taking capabilities.
    5. Introduce professional talents, integrate internal resources, and actively promote the sales of system products to increase the proportion of system product sales.
    6. Continuously digitize and transform, leverage the effectiveness of information management systems, and enhance IBASE's operating performance and competitive advantage.
    7. It is expected that the Vietnam factory will start production after completion in 2025.

    Resources Invested and Concrete Results

    1. R&D expenses invested in 2023: NTD$272,577,000.
    2. Operating revenue in 2023 compared to 2022 decreased by 14.63%.

    (Unit: Thousand NTD)









    Operating Cost




    Employee Salary and Benefits




    Payments to Funders




    Income Tax




    Community Investment




  • IBASE complies with the "Guidelines for the Establishment of Internal Control Systems for Publicly Issued Companies" to establish effective internal control systems considering its own operations and those of its subsidiaries. It continuously reviews and improves these systems to adapt to changes in the internal and external environment, ensuring the ongoing effectiveness of the design and implementation of internal controls.

    In 2023, the internal audit unit conducted audits on 40 internal control operations, with no significant non-compliance items. All non-compliance items were addressed within the specified timelines and closed.

  •  IBASE adheres to legal compliance as its foundation, prioritizing integrity to build core corporate values. Conducting business with integrity and adherence to legal principles are fundamental to our operations. To ensure the thorough implementation of ethical business practices within IBASE, we have always placed great importance on the integrity of our colleagues. Upon joining the company, new employees are introduced to IBASE's integrity policies by the administration department. They are required to sign the "Personal Data Usage Consent Form", "Confidentiality Agreement", and "Declaration of Commitment", fostering awareness of integrity among colleagues. Additionally, the administration department expects management to lead by example, adhering strictly to the principles of integrity and gradually fostering a culture of integrity throughout IBASE.

    At the same time, IBASE has established a 'Complaint Management Procedure' and set up multiple reporting channels. Stakeholders can submit complaints through the ESG section of IBASE official website for feedback or via the complaint email address The management department will assign dedicated personnel to initiate an investigation. Complainants are generally required to report their complaints with their names and provide relevant details of the incident, including but not limited to the name of the person being complained about, the time and place of the incident, and the circumstances involved, along with any evidence. The investigation process should be conducted fairly and kept strictly confidential, ensuring that the identity of the complainant is not disclosed. IBASE also commits to protecting complainants from any improper treatment due to their reporting.

    In commercial interactions, IBASE colleagues are required to explain IBASE's integrity policies and related regulations to trading partners during business transactions. They must explicitly refuse to provide, promise, request, or accept any form or guise of improper benefits directly or indirectly. Additionally, they should be cautious to avoid engaging in business transactions with agents, suppliers, customers, or other business partners involved in dishonest practices. If unethical behavior is detected in business dealings or collaborations, IBASE evaluates whether to categorize them as disallowed partners to uphold its integrity policies.

  •                                    ISO9001                                                                              ISO14001

                                       ISO13485                                                                          ISO27001

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